Running Shoes for Supination

When people who supinate are searching for a running shoe, they quickly realize there are not shoes on the market for supinators. Running shoes for pronation exist in nearly every high end athletic shoe company. New Balance, Nike, Brooks, Asics, and many other running shoe companies make stability shoes. Stability shoes sound perfect for stabilizing the foot, so stability shoes must work well for supination right? Wrong, stability shoes are designed for pronation and people who’s feet roll to the inside. According to Runners World people who suffer from supination need to buy shoes that are curved to the lateral side (the outside) of the foot. There are some shoes that do this, but overall people who supinate are forced to buy cushioning running shoes. Which can be comfortable for a time, but the cushion will break down much quicker than a stability shoe would for a pronating foot. People who suffer from supination do not currently have a reliable running shoe for their problems, besides the New Balance 1540. New Balance 1540 The 1540 by New Balance has a Rollbar built into the heel that reduces supination and pronation. However, the 1540 by New Balance is a bulky shoe, since it is an optimal control shoe or motion control shoe. The 1540 works great for supination, but is not as lightweight as most cushioning and stability shoes on the market. Supinators will be happy when the Dynamic by Husom comes out, and provides an over the counter insole that can help reduce their supination tendencies.